📅 Order your 2025 Grey Muzzle calendar - proceeds benefit senior dogs!
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    Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue
    Funded in 2017

    Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit network of rescuers, fosters and volunteers who work together to rescue, rehabilitate and find homes for sweet, loving, adoptable dogs from pounds in the rural south. The dogs they rescue are in danger of imminent death as they are on the kill lists at very high volume, high kill pounds. Some of these animal control facilities use extremely inhumane practices like gas chambers and heartstick to euthanize the dogs and many have kill rates over 90% before rescues get involved.

    When they commit to rescuing a dog, they make sure the dog is well cared for and properly vetted. They spay/neuter, vaccinate, test for heartworm, provide flea and heartworm preventative, and deworm at private vets local to the shelter they come from. They treat illnesses before adoption, most often heartworm, but have also treated parvo and distemper, and provided for necessary surgeries for dogs with serious injuries. The dogs stay in local fosters or boarding for at least 2 weeks or until they are healthy enough to travel. Then they ride up north with professional rescue transporters who make sure their ride is as comfortable and stress-free as possible.

    When they arrive, the dogs go into foster homes where they get training and experience living in a home environment before adoption. Some of the lucky ones even get adopted upon arrival!

    A grant from Grey Muzzle will supplement Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue's existing Senior program. BBAR is committed to saving adoptable, loving dogs regardless of their age, breed, and medical needs. Since medical expenses tend to be higher for seniors, increased funding will allow BBAR to rescue more seniors, rehabilitate them, train them, and place them in loving homes.

    These additional resources from Grey Muzzle help ensure that fewer vulnerable dogs in need are left behind. Their Senior program works to change the public's perspective and understanding of the joys of adopting a senior dog.

    Learn more about the great things Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue is doing in this video: "The Difference You Make". You can watch the video here:  https://youtu.be/AULHwzGOaco


    Help senior dogs