• Waters Foundation Dog with Flowers

    A Mother’s Legacy of Love

    From a three-legged Doberman to a visually-impaired pug, Jody Waters always opened her heart and home to the underdog—those who were neglected, abused or simply unwanted. She dreamed of someday buying property and opening a sanctuary for dogs who needed a safe place to call home.

    So, last March, when Jody’s life tragically ended far too soon, her daughters decided to honor her by helping the dogs she loved most. They created the Waters Foundation for Dogs in memory of their mother, who was the victim of a senseless shooting in a Boulder, Colorado supermarket. And this January, when the time came to make the Foundation’s first donation, her daughters, Alex and Channing, chose to carry on their mother’s compassion through a generous contribution to The Grey Muzzle Organization. This gift will help give at-risk senior dogs the second chance they all deserve. What better way to honor someone who loved older, harder-to-adopt dogs with special needs?

    “My mom was one of a kind and words cannot describe how much we miss her,” her daughter Channing said. “She was the most amazing person I’ve ever known.”

    When she learned about Jody Waters’ life and why the Foundation opted to support The Grey Muzzle Organization, Executive Director Lisa Lunghofer was moved to tears. “What a wonderful woman with such a beautiful heart. I hope others will be as touched and inspired by her story as we are here at Grey Muzzle.”

    “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for honoring your mom in this special way,” she told Channing and Alex. “I have no doubt that she’s very proud of you.”

    To learn more about the remarkable Jody Waters and the Waters Foundation for Dogs, visit: watersfoundation.org.

    About the Contributor:  Barbara Castleman is a writer, PR professional and longtime Grey Muzzle volunteer.
    Help senior dogs