• dog laying in human arms

    Pet Community Center
    Funded 2022-2024


    Pet Community Center (PCC) believes every animal deserves high-quality veterinary care. Providing affordable and accessible vaccines and spay/neuter services is the key to PCC’s success. Their goal is to provide low-cost, high-quality care so that pets stay happy, healthy, and in a home with people who love them. PCC is also tackling barriers to veterinary care by providing outreach and support to pet owners who live in vet deserts (i.e., areas with no vet services). The results of PCC’s work include lower pet homelessness rates, lower shelter euthanasia rates, and improved public health and quality of life in neighborhoods across Davidson County.

    With funding from The Grey Muzzle Organization, Pet Community Center (PCC) will offer free vaccines (e.g., canine influenza, rabies) for 250 senior dogs like Girlfriend. All Davidson County, Tennessee residents who demonstrate need through government assistance, unemployment, or other hardship are eligible.

    Help senior dogs