• Edgar Allan Poe Pima County

    No Kill Pima County
    Funded in 2022

    No Kill Pima County (NKPC) is an all-volunteer, grassroots community nonprofit. Since 2012 NKPC has implemented strategies to build and support a community that saves the savable pets. Initiatives have focused on keeping pets out of shelters, supporting those in shelters, and promoting adoption and rescue efforts. Currently, efforts are aimed at offering options to owners and “finders” of stray dogs that enable pets to stay with their families and in their community, reserving shelter space for those who truly have no other options. Funding from The Grey Muzzle Organization will provide support to locally owned dogs, age 7 and older, in need of diagnostics and/or treatment. Families, like that of Edgar Allan Poe who needed surgery to remove a mass from his leg, often face challenges paying for emergency or unexpected veterinary care. As a medical alert dog for his owner, eight-year-old Edgar is a cherished family member. By covering the cost of his surgery, NKPC was able to restore his health and keep Edgar at home where he belongs. Supporting families in need ensures pets receive veterinary care and decreases the number of senior dogs surrendered to shelters simply because their guardians could not afford the cost of their treatment.
    Help senior dogs