• Pug in the grass

    Friends of Homeless Animals
    Funded 2021-2024


    Friends of Homeless Animals saves and improves lives one paw at a time. FOHA provides rescue, medical care, and adoption services in Northern Virginia and Washington, DC. More than 17,000 cats and dogs have found a haven with FOHA over the last 51 years. FOHA’s mission statement is: Home with us until they’re home with you.

    With generous funding from The Grey Muzzle Organization, Friends of Homeless Animals (FOHA) is expanding its Senior Care Plan, which waives adoption fees for senior dogs and provides reimbursement for qualifying medical expenses or pet insurance premiums. The Senior Care Plan also includes senior-specific preventative healthcare before adoption, which results in healthier senior dogs with fewer long-term health issues. The plan assures adopters they can confidently adopt a senior dog like ten-year-old Bee, a sweet pug mix who loves to be around people and explore the outdoors. Supporting and encouraging senior dog adoptions will allow FOHA to take in more senior dogs from overcrowded shelters. 

    Help senior dogs